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Friday, May 9, 2014

DIY Home Project: Ombré Wall

This week we are looking at a painters touch that creates an amazing effect, an ombré wall!

To get started you will need to choose three colors in a light, medium, and darker shade that are from the same color family, the easiest way is to pick from one paint swatch. You are also going to need painters tape, a paint roller, paint brushes and a paint tray.

Step 1. Trim the wall with painters tape and paint the entire wall the light color chosen.
Step 2. Paint a bottom section the darkest color chosen.
Step 3. Mix in a paint tray equal parts of the darkest color and medium color and paint a section directly above the section painted with the darkest color, next, paint the section above that with only the medium color.
Step 4. Using a small paintbrush, blend the colors together until the areas and lines bleed together, you may need to touch up with mixed paint as you blend.
After blending you should see an amazing ombré effect has taken place! This is a great way to add some extra character to any wall in your home or even an entire room painted this way!

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